solar panels
May 12, 2024

Heat wave outages: Are you prepared for this problem?

In the last few days, we have observed significant power outages in several regions of the country. The national electrical system has been declared in a STATE OF EMERGENCY due to an abrupt increase in energy consumption, a consequence of the intense heat wave that has been affecting our nation. With temperatures exceeding 40 °C and up to 45 °C, the electrical system is experiencing unprecedented pressure, leading to unexpected and widespread power outages.

As of 5:04 p.m. on May 07, 2024, an Operational State of Alert is declared in the National Interconnected System, for which CENACE will carry out the appropriate operational actions," reported Cenace.

This situation is worrisome, especially considering that these outages are affecting daily life, commerce and industry. However, at times like these, it is important to remember that there are sustainable and reliable solutions that can help reduce the load on the electrical system and provide stability to your home or business.

As a company dedicated to the installation of solar panels, we want to offer you a solid and sustainable alternative to face this situation: Hybrid systems and energy storage.

In times of energy crisis, solar energy emerges as a vital solution to ensure the stability and security of homes. Its adoption presents a number of key advantages that not only address immediate needs, but also promote a more sustainable future.

Energy Independence:
By installing solar panels, you can reduce your dependence on the national grid. This means that even during power outages, you can continue to generate your own energy, providing stability and security for you and your family.

Sustainable and Clean Energy:
Solar energy is a renewable and environmentally friendly source. Not only will it help reduce your carbon footprint, but it will also help reduce pressure on the national electricity system.

Long-Term Savings:
Although the initial investment can be significant, solar panels can save money in the long run by reducing your electricity bills. In addition, with government incentives and subsidies, the installation of solar systems is becoming more affordable.

Weather Resilience:
With extreme weather changes, solar energy can provide a resilient and reliable solution. Many solar systems come with storage batteries, allowing you to store energy for use when you need it most.

In summary, the recent heat wave and blackouts remind us of the importance of diversifying our energy sources. Solar energy is a viable and efficient option to ensure a constant and sustainable electricity supply.

Ariel Ramirez

Ariel Ramirez

May 12, 2024