Invierno es el mejor tiempo para instalar paneles solares
solar panels
February 19, 2020

Winter: time to install solar panels

Solar panels are in high demand in summer, the best time to install them is in winter because lower temperatures have better performance. This is because as soon as the temperature of the panels reaches 25ºC, they begin to lose efficiency, so it could be said that an optimal environment for the production of solar energy is a sunny winter day.

The photovoltaic installation will not work in winter, since the sun's rays are not visible, but the visibility of the sun and the low temperature do not affect the performance of the solar panels, since the sun rises even if it is not visible and the photovoltaic panels work thanks in sunlight, not heat or room temperature.

Although it is true that in winter we have fewer hours of daylight, they continue to be sufficient even when it snows or is cloudy, since the sunlight continues to reflect on the snow and the panels continue to collect that light.

Isabel Suarez

isabel suarez

February 19, 2020