What is it and how to get out of the CFE DAC Rate?
dac rate
March 28, 2023

What is it and how to get out of the CFE DAC Rate?

I know very well that if you are reading this article it is because you saw an increase in the price on your electricity bill or you have heard about the DAC Rate, also known as the High Consumption Domestic Rate. But do not be alarmed, here I will answer all your questions about the rate in detail so that you can face it in the best way.

What is the DAC rate and how does it apply?

The High Consumption Domestic Rate (by its acronym DAC), is a rate applied to all those homes or small businesses that have had a high electricity consumption during the last 6 bimonthly periods (12 months), thus losing the subsidy and government support (Believe me, It is usually more support than you think), and of course increasing the price for each kWh consumed depending on which part of the country you live in, making the charge on your electricity bill much higher.

How do I know if I am having a high electricity consumption?

The Federal Electricity Commission considers a high electricity consumption when the reading of the meter of your house registers an average monthly consumption higher than the limits of use established in your locality and are determined according to the minimum average temperature in summer in your area. Each electricity rate has a range of electricity consumption, we can see them in the following table:

Rate Monthly Consumption Limit Average Temperature In Summer
Rate 1 250kwh monthly Less than 25°C
Rate 1A 300kwh monthly 25°C
Rate 1B 400kwh monthly 28°C
Rate 1C 850kwh monthly 30°C
Rate 1D 1,000kwh monthly 31°C
Rate 1E 2,000kwh monthly 32°C
Rate 1F 2,500kwh monthly 33°C
Rate DAC Exceeds the established kWh Consumption limit

How do I know if my electricity bill is already in the DAC Rate?

The easiest way is to check your electricity bill and find the section that says "Rate" generally located under the Payment Deadline, I leave you a photo of an Electricity receipt so you can get an idea of how to locate it. What is it and how to get out of the CFE DAC Rate? If it does not say DAC next to Rate, and the following Rates appear "1, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E and 1F" as in the image receipt, you can rest assured that you do not belong to this High Consumption Rate ( I recommend that you continue reading because you can be close to entering the DAC Rate and as they say, it is better to be safe than sorry).

What is the price of electricity in Mexico?

The price of electricity in Mexico varies from $0.649 pesos per kWh to $3.115 pesos per kWh dynamically, this price depends on how much electricity you consume per month, instead when you enter the DAC Rate, you have a fixed price per kWh which ranges from $5.73 per kWh to $6.65 per kWh depending on which area of Mexico you are located in, not to mention that in this Rate you lose all the government subsidy. Likewise, the DAC Rate has a fixed or minimum monthly charge that includes $126.12 pesos for all areas of the country plus the equivalent of 25 kWh regardless of whether you have consumed electricity or not.

What is the price of the DAC Rate in Mexico 2022?

Región Cargo por energía consumida ($/kwh)
Central $6.27
Noroeste $5.88
Norte y Noreste $5.73
Sur y Peninsular $5.82
Baja California $6.10
Baja California Sur $6.65

How to get out of the DAC Rate?

To get out of the DAC Rate, it is essential to reduce the use of electricity. Follow these recommendations so you can keep your average monthly consumption below the high consumption limit:

  1. Turn off the lights you don't use
  2. Change your bulbs for saving bulbs
  3. Disconnect equipment that you do not need (turned off and connected, the vast majority of equipment consumes electricity, especially older equipment)
  4. Change your Air Conditioners for Inverter
  5. Buy Solar Panels (Your Best Option)

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Juventino Aguilar

Juventino Aguilar

March 28, 2023